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"That test should not be about ratings. What should weigh is the knowledge that a public broadcaster delivers programmes that matter"
- Johnathan Dimbleby

Hi, I'm Ghost Dog
A semi-retired trucker of 23 years. T-Shirt Designer, Streamer, Web Designer and Podcaster
I'm a creator of many things. I luv designing things and coming up with new ideas. I'm a lucky person that was taken in by a great family, after I lost my trucking job, that now calls me family. I spend my wake hours on computer, thinking of ways to make an income. Can't work a regular job do to back and health issues, leaving me to do only sit down type jobs.
I also luv to make people smile, being the reason why do so many types of Streams and Social Media stuff. I once was told that "Laughter makes the World turn"... I believe in this and try to make it my life. I'm not one for drama or arguments as that only causes STRESS!
My hobbies are very little, but I do have some. I luv Paranormal Investigating. Been in the paranormal world for over 30+ years. Seen and experienced many things I simply can't explain.
Always Makes Me Smile

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